Acts 9:1-22; 1 Corinthians 7: 29-31; Mark 16: 15-18
Our brother Paul was a great man. Without him, would our family even exist? But he was still a man, full of passion and imperfection just like us all. Honor him, listen to him, emulate him, but do not be afraid to criticize and disagree with him. He would expect and desire no less of true believers in the Way. He would be the first to say that the Spirit is present in each of us, not just those officially labeled as apostles and saints. And so I say to you that while "the world in its present form" may pass away, time will not run out. The journey of humanity may some day come to an end, but the journey of life never will. Life is the center of the universe, not us, and it is past time that we recognize our place within it.